I am back again with a brand new special guest. We decided to jot down the thoughts and feelings of this guest on her first viewing of the movie Ghost (1990), all as the film was taking place. Ghost follows Sam (Patrick Swayze) who is murdered during what appears to be a mugging gone wrong. However, Sam realises it's not that easy to move on to the afterlife as he is desperate to look after his love, Molly (Demi Moore) and to bring his murderers to justice. This is achieved with the help of a Psychic, Oda-Mae Brown (Whoopi Goldberg) who is the only one who can hear Sam. Together, they must convince Molly that Sam is still with her and to stop the killers, before it is too late.
With spoilers of course, here my guest recounts her thoughts in real time...

- (Around 4m 49s) Loved this lift scene. It was really funny but I cannot imagine that happening now, especially during this pandemic. Can you imagine if that happened (in which Carl, Sam's best friend, starts messing around with Sam in a lift full of people, both implying he has a contagious illness while coughing) now, at this moment in time?
- Patrick Swayze is actually really good-looking! I always thought he was really old. I mean, I know Dirty Dancing was in the 1970s or whatever (it was 1987) but he is actually good looking.
- I do not like Carl, straightaway feel he is up to no good.
- Demi Moore's acting is not great here (scenes with Sam before he is murdered). Her acting skills have deffo improved with time.
- (Around 19m 34s) OMGOSHHH! I didn't think a mugger shot him. (On asking how she thought Sam died...) I thought his colleague planned it due to the excess money in the account. OMGOSHHH!
- (Around 25m 13s) How can a ghost faint?
- Demi's acting is shocking.
- (Around 30m 13s) I'm so confused, why doesn't he want to go through the door?
- (Around 30m 39s) And when he does, why do we see his blood?
- (Around 37m 47s) Whoopi, she's here!
- (Around 39m to 43m 3s) I thought she was making things up for the lady? So she can hear him, but not see him? (Oda-Mae's introduction to Sam).
- Patrick is handsome.
- (Around 55m 17s) OMGOSHHHH, it's Carl!!! All this for $4million.
- (Around 57m 4s) OMGOSHHHHHH, friends.
- I love Demi's acting.
- (Around 1hr 2s) I feel bad though, the suspense...what will Carl do?
- I'm confused to why Whoopi can hear Sam, I thought she was faking?
- Demi Moore's acting in the first 10 minutes was not great, feel like there was no chemistry between her and Sam. It got better after he died.
- I love Whoopi.
- (Around 1hr 37m) Awwww! Willie!
- (On being asked if she cried at the end) No, why would I cry? (Because Sam moved onto the afterlife...) Yeah, but that's a good thing.
- I feel like that film would not have worked without the cast it had, as the plot was a bit bad. I can't imagine it working today.
And there you have it, a person's thoughts on watching Ghost for the first time. I, personally, love Ghost myself, having originally watched the film when I was around 8 years old; it was really interesting to me to hear someone watching it for the very first time and their views on it in a modern setting. I think my guest is correct in saying that the film probably would not have worked with a lesser impressive cast, but overall she liked it...I think.
Stay tuned for further guests and their blog entries!
Commentary by: Cecilia
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