3 March 2020

Who Runs the World? (New Movie Challenge)

I'm back with a brand new movie challenge! As you might be able to tell by the title, I'm celebrating International Women's Day on 8 March 2020. Take a peak behind the cut to see what I have planned for this month...

Ok, so technically International Women's Day falls on one day of the month of March (the clue is in the name). However for this challenge, I've decided to celebrate women in film for the entirety of the month. Below is my agenda of the types of films I'm going to be looking at:

Week 1: Films Written by Women
For the first week of March I'm going to watch as many as films that were written by women as possible and write up my opinion of them.

Week 2: Films Directed by Women
In the second week, I'm going to look at the most pivotal films that were directed by women and share my thoughts.

Week 3: Films with Influential Women
Week 3 will contain any film featuring a woman as a main and important character, focusing on films that are influential in the media.

Week 4: Conclusion
Here I will gather my conclusion of the month in general, the films that have celebrated women and why more films need to have a focus on females.
Tune in for the next installment to celebrate International Women's Day (Month)!

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